I have no idea how you got to this website.
Maybe you got here from a video you saw on youtube.
Or Maybe you read my publication on Forbes or Yahoo News.
Maybe a friend told you to buy the course & referred you to it.
Perhaps you stumbled onto it by pure dumb luck.
But, however you got here, you have arrived at what is, without question, the most valuable website on the entire Internet!
I remember growing up on the sketchy side of Houston, Texas.
It was tough, and even though my parents were pastors of a church
It always felt that we were barely able to "get by" financially and it sucked the life out of us.
Can you relate?
And I use to Think to myself,
why couldn't my father be one of those Rich and Fancy pastors like T D Jakes and Joel Osteen
But fortunate for me, (you'll see why in a second)
My father was a good man, and he felt using the ministry for profit wasn't right or ethical
But to be honest I was a slow learner in my 20's
I dropped out of college,
filed bankruptcy,
wrote bad checks to feed me and my children,
cars repoed,
went to jail a few time for silly offenses like Driving While Suspended and to make things worse
I joined and got kicked out of the military,
because I wanted to live life and do things my way
Ever felt like that?
Have you ever felt like you were sick and tired of bosses, parents and other authority figures pushing you around,
Forcing you to do things you didn't want to do.
Well I was right there, in the muddy puddle of my misery.
And then the worse feeling I've ever felt took place in my life, in the summer of 2014,
And this horrific feeling I wouldn't wish on anyone,
not even my worse enemy,
And by now, every parent, man or woman who is reading this right now,
Can relate to the pain of not being able to bless your parents, family, loved ones or children
with the very best "cream of the crop" life they deserve to have..
But I remember like it was yesterday
It was the summer of 2014, and my children came to stay with me for the summer..
And that day I was busy & disgusted working at my 9 to 5 and I was tired as hell
But when I arrived home, my babies ran to me and wrapped their little arms around my waist
And said, Daddy you're home!
And all my babies wanted was a simple happy meal from Mcdonalds
So we jumped in my 1988 Honda Accord and pulled up to Mcdonalds,
I ordered a #1 and 2 cheese burger happy meals
But when we pulled up to the drive thru window,
the most embarrassing thing took place in my life..
When I gave my credit card to the attendee, My debit card declined for a $17 transaction.
Nervously I pulled out my pre paid credit card and again it was declined
But that wasn't the worse part.
As we left the parking lot without my children's happy meals,
I looked through the rear view mirror and I could see the sad faces of my children
And as My children stared back at me with tears in their eyes, I was torn to pieces
And even though I was a grown man with a job,
I couldn't afford a god darn happy meal from Mcdonalds.
And on that devastating day, in the Mcdonald parking lot, I put my hand over my face and cried like a baby
And I turned around and looked at my kids dead in their eyes, and I said Never again!
Never again will daddy not have the money to give you what you deserve to have.
And on that day, I decided to stop fu****g around and I took massive action.
any by stop fu***ing around I mean.
I stopped drinking!
I stop chasing women!
I stop telling my children broken promises!
I stopped waisting my life in clubs and bars!
I stop playing video games!
I stopped watching ESPN and sportscenter!
I stopped blaming other people for my pissy life!
And I stopped using FEAR as an excuse to not pursue my dreams!
And just like you..
It wasn't about me changing my life,
I had to change my life for my baby girls and the folks who raised me.
And From that day forward,
I spent the next 7 years and thousands of dollars scouring the internet buying $1000 internet courses
Weeding out the BS and discovering rapid internet secrets to creating online digital products faster and easier, even with no experience
So fast I made $1 million dollars in 45 days FLAT
and to reward myself I spent a whopping $250,000 on my dream car and slapped the plate billion on it because that's my next goal
and all this happened from the exact blueprint that you'll see for yourself on this page
and not to be the bearer of bad news,
but only a handful of people made their first million by doing this
But I was surprised and shocked when I read 10s of thousands of emails from single mothers, frustrated fathers, teenagers and baby boomers
who all saw 4 to 5 figures per month in less than 60 days after doing this,
and even-though I'm grateful for the ton of newbies,
just like you,
who've earn a minimum of $10,000 in 45 days
It's almost a 100% guarantee that this will work for anyone
Who is willing to commit, try and discover secrets that are not public
Imagine wearing the "I Fired My Boss" T Shirt by leaving your job and kicking your boss to the curb next month
Picture waking up and getting out of your bed when you feel like
How would you feel to see the beautiful smiles on your children's faces
because you are able to take them to school every morning
Can you imagine what your life will look and feel like when you have money pouring into your bank account every minute, while you and your family fly first class around the world?
What would you do with the money?
Who would you help?
Where would you travel?
What close family member would you bless and retire for the rest of their lives?
For me.. It was retiring my mom and dad and buying them a brand new Mercedes S560, just by applying the same techniques and strategies in the online millionaire mastery course.
Amy said,
"I almost did not buy this course but when I realized the Online Millionaire Mastery course is perfect for newbies, , and you don't need any tech skills, and there was no need to be an expert for this to work! I had to get it."
But wait.. Before you Get your copy right now - here's what you get